terms of usage
kontaktinser.at is a place where anyone can publish, look for and answer ads in order to find a partner for any given purpose. To ensure smooth operation it is neccessary to follow some simple rules:
- This site is open for all persons above the age of 18 who are either living in Austria, or who are looking for contacts into or within Austria.
- Only one personal ad is allowed per person.
- Commercial ads, especially those of dating agencies are unwanted not allowed.
- The ads may not contain any email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, names or addresses.
- Text, speech data or pictures violating current Austrian law are not are not allowed.
- Sending mass mail to other users of kontaktinser.at is not permitted. The idea of this platform is to search for the best matching profiles in order to establish contacts. If someone has the opinion that all members of the appropriate sex fit to him equally well, we think that he does not need a plattform like ours in the first place.
- Sending mails with a purpose other than looking for private contacts is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to commercial mails, chain letters and pyramide games.
- Our services are uncommercial and free of charge, however they are without any commitment from our side as well. We reserve the right to disable any profiles without stating a reason, but in particular when our terms of usage are violated. We also reserve the right to constrain or cease the services offered. A successful registration does not grant the user any titles whatsoever against the operators of this platform. If these terms of usage differ from the German version, the German version will take effect.
- The operators of this site are not responsible for positive or negative experiences while looking for partners. We wish all our members a most successful time at kontaktinser.at, however it is up to you to make the best out of the profiles you will find here.
In order to ensure regular operation of this platform it is absolutely necessary to obey these rules. This grapevine is in any way uncommercial and only run to the advantage of its users - please do not destroy it carelessly.