kontaktinser.at - lonely heart ads for Austria
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about kontaktinser.at

kontaktinser.at is a non-commercial platform for personal ads. This site has been created in 2003 to provide an alternative to the growing number of commercial sites without a loss in quality.

Operator of kontaktinser.at is Stefan Fröhlich (Imprint acc. to e-commerce law).

Responsible for idea, concept, technical design and implementation: Stefan Fröhlich.

The graphical design has been realised with kind support of Sybille Kahl.


The responsibility for the contents of the ads is up to our users. We kindly ask you to complain, if someone violates our terms of usage.

Special thanks for many ideas, suggestions, diskussions, tests and bug reports goes to the readers of the newsgroup at.gesellschaft.kontakte and especially to

for their patience during testing.

lonely heart ads for Austria· kontaktinser.at